I wanted to highlight Asma Whitekiller and her Feel This old fashion body butter because as with most things I recommend to my clients I have personal experience with her product. As a natural redhead, I’ve always had sensitive skin. Then as an adult I was diagnosed with psoriasis and eventually psoriatic arthritis. This has made my skin even more sensitive, and it was hard to find any kind of moisturizer that didn’t irritate my skin. Even products made for sensitive skin would irritate my skin leaving it red and burning.
So when I found Asma’s butter I was hooked. Her body butter is made with all organic ingredients that leave my skin feeling cool and soft. It calms down the redness and irritation of my flare-ups. It doesn’t cause me to have breakouts. And being a woman in menopause, my skin can’t get enough moisture. It instantly melts and absorbs into my skin. It lessens the appearance of crepey skin, and fine lines. I put it on after a shower, under my makeup as a primer, throughout the day when my hands feel dry, and it’s amazing on my feet with socks at bedtime.
Asma created this product out of her own need when her skin began changing during her pregnancy. Doctor’s told her it was hormonal and nothing prescribed or over-the-counter helped. Her grandmother gave her a home remedy recipe to try and it worked! From there she started doing more research on other natural ingredients and herbal combinations until she came up with her body butter. She started giving it away to family and friends and was encouraged to start selling it.
She uses only the highest quality ingredients that include fresh butters, plant flowers, stems, tree bark, seeds, sugars, salt, organic oils, hemp, minerals, and steam distilled essential plant oil terpenes. She makes her products in small batches. They are cruelty free, kosher and have no chemicals, fillers, alcohol, preservatives, artificial colors or fragrances.
She believes her products are food for the skin and should not be harmful to the environment. She believes it’s important to consider the products we put on our body and how they can be harmful for the environment. She took it a step further and only uses containers that are made out of sustainable and recyclable materials.
She pours healing energy, pure intentions and love into her products. She hopes that the customers feel the energy she puts into her products.
Being a coach and mental health counselor I wanted to know more about how she supports her own mental health. Asma says these last 10 years have been a rollercoaster for her. Asma finds it is important to take time to unplug, get quiet, and meditate. She uses these quiet moments to take herself out of the picture and leave the challenging moments alone for a bit. If she’s not in a good headspace, she believes her end product won’t come out right.
She’s learned to remain grounded through the ups and downs of owning and running a business. She has dealt with people doubting her success and has turned it into her motivation to grow. When she has felt like giving up because of challenging situations, someone comes along and tells her how her products have helped them. This helps renew her belief in herself and her faith in her products and mission to continue to do the work she does.
As many of you know, I’m on my own journey to wellness. That’s led me to learning about different ways to support my nervous system. (you can read more about my journey here ). One day I was using Asma’s body butter and it hit me…FEEL THIS. As a therapist and coach, my clients tell me how hard it is to feel their emotions. In the work we do together I try to help them find ways to stay grounded without letting their emotions become overwhelming. FEEL THIS products were the perfect metaphor.
So recently I sent a small sample of Asma’s old fashioned butter and lip balm to all of my clients. I wanted them to have a visual example of how they can still FEEL their emotions while nurturing themselves at the same time. My hope is that they find time in their day or during a stressful event to use these soothing products to still feel their emotions, but not let them become overwhelming to them, and use this “aid” to help them be mindful and intentional with self-care and self-love.
And if you would like to work with me 1:1 for therapy or coaching check out the ways you can connect with me below.
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